Late term miscarriage - how do you tell people?

Keke • Mama of Daisy Evelyn, our beautiful Rainbow Baby 🌈 after Monochorionic Monoamniotic twin loss
As some of you may know, our twin girls passed away at 18 weeks. I was expecting to go inpatient at 24 weeks and to deliver at 32 weeks. I felt so close to them almost being here, and now they are gone. Now I have to talk to people about it when they ask about the babies, and I have to say I miscarried. The thing is, people act so horrified, even nurses that I've been talking to. I haven't delivered or gotten a D&E yet and people don't get that they are still inside me. And when I try to explain it the look on their face and reaction is just pure horror and sadness. Some people even cry for me. I can't even stand it. It hurts every freakin' time. I don't even know how to respond to their horror and sadness. I'm the kind of person who wants to be left alone about it. I'm fine unless someone brings it up, I had to turn my phone off last night and most of today because I couldn't stand the constant flow of sympathy text messages. I've been ignoring phone calls. I feel like a jerk. How did you all deal with telling people and talking about it?