2016: The Year of No Resolutions

Gunce • Head of research at Glow. Unwilling infertility expert. 2 kids after 6 IVF treatments.

I don’t know about you, but I’m over New Year's resolutions. I’m turning 40 this year, in just a few weeks in fact, and I think it’s about time I said ‘No Mas’.

In years past, I would commit to some ridiculous exercise program, food regimen, or meditation circle only to have it all fade away before February rolled around.

Not. This. Year. 

So, I am NOT going to lose 20+ lbs this year. No way. No how. What I am going to do instead is bake gooey concoctions with my two adorable, amazing children. And roll out home-made pizza, with green-olive toppings just the way my boy likes them. And on occasion, I am going to cook over-the-top sumptuous meals for my family and friends, where my love will shine through each and every spectacular bite.

I am certainly NOT signing up for a spin class. Why? Because I do not want to. But as time allows, I will make a point to go on long meandering weekend strolls with my husband. I might pile the kids into the car and take them on a hike to Bear Mountain. Around June, I could see myself in the clear blue sea near Akyaka, taking one lap, then another. And I certainly will chase my little girl around the house and then tickle her until both our sides are in stitches from laughter.

Oh, and I am NOT saving any money this year. Zero. Zilch. Nada. But what money I make, I will spend with joy. Mostly, truth be told, on good food and good books.

I am also NOT watching any less TV. I want to see what happens to Jon Snow, damn it! And whether Annalise will ever recover her relationship with Wes. And between you and me, I am more than a little addicted to Teen Wolf. (Shhh!)

There is a lot to be said for self-improvement. I believe in self-improvement, or I would not be working at Glow. I believe that there are things we can do, steps we can take, to be healthier, happier and empowered when it comes to our choices.

But I never want to lose sight of the fact that this is an app FOR REAL WOMEN. Like me. Like you. And not one of us is perfect. Certainly not me.

What I am, however, is earth-shatteringly grateful to ride this ride for one more revolution around the sun. To make some more mistakes. To correct a few wrongs. To spend time with the ones I love.

What more can anyone ask for?

Happy New Year, everyone.

Hugs – Gunce

PS. What are some of your NO resolutions for 2016? What will you NOT do?