Need Help.

I'm currently 37weeks & 5days. My partner and I relationship status is none existing at this moment. The day before I found out that I was pregnant he decided that he needed a break from the relationship. I told him if he wanted a break we are completely done. A feel as though the break is only benefiting him because I'm pregnant and I can't do anything with anyone not that I want to. I know that I can be hard to deal with at times from pervious incidents that has happened between the two of us. We were engaged as well until I threw the ring at him and lost it. He says that it's been hard for him every since I did that to him. I personally feel like he is trying to use these things as if he is really hurt by them when he was the cheater and liar. I know him like the back of my hand from the years that we have been together. We're still very close at this moment. He's preparing to move away which is about maybe an hour from where I live. I totally disagree with him moving away because everything is going to be different between us and the timing is completely wrong. He says that hes doing it because it will help him out with having to take care of two children and that even though he stays their he will be here with the baby and I. I'm still in love with him because we all make mistakes. We're only human! I don't know what to do about my situation. I still very much love him with all my heart. I really want us to progress and be a happy family, but I can't just be the only one who wants this neither. He tells people that he plans to marry me and that I'm his fiance. Could I just be overreacting? I haven't had any signs that he has fell out of love with me , but I don't want to play the guessing or maybe game neither. I really need some type of advice.