New Year's Eve & pregnant!

Morgan ✌🏼️❄️ • 28, married to a wonderful husband, expecting our 2nd!
So, we have friends coming in from out of town, and have plans on meeting up with several others. The plan is to do dinner, drinks and see the fire works at midnight (if I can stay awake that long!). It should be a great night, except I can't stop thinking it'll be weird being at a bar, pregnant. My bump is very noticeable at 22 weeks, and I have a friend who said she was yelled at by a total, drunk, stranger one night out with her husband. She was drinking water with lemon, and like myself, was the DD
Are any of you going out this evening? Are you guys worried? Or are you pretty much just saying "F" it to all who judge?! (Hoping I can do the latter lol)  
Well, happy New Year my fellow pregnant lady bumps! ☺️✨🎉🎉