Pregnant, or just late period??

Quick question to ease my mind! This month I have had sex 4 times, all using condoms. None had a physical tear or broke that we know of (I am not trying to get pregnant and this is my birth control to go more natural) anyway the past week I have had cramping, and nausea. I was supposed to start my period yesterday and never did but I have had more SEVERE cramping, nausea (almost vomitting) just the actual Nipple on my breast is slightly tender, mild headaches occasionally, and diarrhea. I took a clear blue digital test yesterday and it was negative , also took one three days before period was due and it was negative. I have a dr appointment Monday, but do you think I could still be pregnant even though we used condoms and the test are negative for now? Or am I just over reacting and have a late period? 
-Btw when I got pregnant with my daughter I got a positive the day I missed my period. Thank you!