Please help!!

Hey everyone first time using Glow! I need some insight I'll try to make this short.. 
Been with my boyfriend since 2008 (some break ups in between) his brother has never liked me. When I say never.. He has NEVER liked me. I haven't given him any reason I promise I have never done anything personal to him. 
There was one point in our relationship I thought me and the brother were cool I guess.. But he always told my boyfriend to dump me especially when we would fight or he would say he can do better bla bla bla u guys get it.. The last fight we had is when he drunkenly yelled at me and my boyfriend one night two years ago.. Stating I'm a B*tch, piece of sh*t, and I'm not good enough for his brother... It was ugly they actually fought.. 
He blamed it on being drunk and said sorry and apparently "doesn't remember" (Me and my boyfriend broke up because of him and other stuff too but mostly him..) 
Anyway we since then we don't talk much at all..  We are cordial.. And we are civil... But we definitely do not talk because I lost all respect for him. 
 I never understood why he hated me so much I just blamed it on him being very close with my boyfriend..  When I was younger I used to try to make him like me so much and be very nice but now I refuse to try. 
Anyway, a couple of days ago.. My bc told me he carries a picture of me and him in his wallet behind his ID?!? My boyfriend saw it when he was buying alcohol and he didn't say anything but he told me this..
This photo is from 2009... It's very very old.