After 24 months of trying and countless disappointments

I'm pregnant!! We can't believe it! I always thought it would never be me... I think I'm dreaming... Am I? SO pinched me twice already ... 
It took us 2 years, 5 or 6 cycles of letrozole, and 2 <a href="">iui</a>'s... Countless tears.... Tons of opk's... And a ridiculous amount of pregnancy tests... (I totally need to invest on those companies.. Like seriouly!) 
Today, I'm one day late and 14dpo after my second <a href="">iui</a> and I really tought it was gonna be a negative.... I was ready for another let down... Then after just a few seconds a strong positive ... I screamed so loud ... (Like when I see a roach type of loud) hubby came in and I jumped on him... (I didn't even put my panties up) I laughed and cried and screamed and cried more ... This time they were happy tears.... We are sooooo happy 
Don't give up guys! Don't! If it happened to me it will happen to you! 
Baby dust to all of you! And have an amazing new year 2016!!