SIDS scare

Is anyone else totally freaked out by this? Its my first baby and i am considering the kinda expensive owlet because the possibility of sids freaks me out
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Just make sure to follow all the safe sleeping rules. No bumper pad in crib (unless it's breathe able) fan in the room and on all the time, back to sleep, no blankets/pillows. Studies also show that baby sleeping in parents room for the first year helps prevent SIDS (they mimic parents breathing) We used a rock and play next to the bed.They also have devices and monitors that will sound an alarm if baby stops breathing.. An angel care monitor or Snuza you can look into.


Posted at
As a health care professional.. And NOT someone trying to start an epic debate with anyone... It's not suggested to sleep with your baby in the same bed. In the same room yes is beneficial. Also using a binkie studies have shown can decrease the chance of SIDS greatly because the brain subconsciously is still slightly firing with the oral stimulation of the binkie etc. there have been countless cases of infants accidentally  dieing from sleeping in the same bed with an adult. Risks such as smothering from fabric blankets pillows or the parents themselves. I personally know individuals who rolled over and smothered their  babies to death while sleeping by accident.  There are many other ways to bond with your baby. The safest place however is a crib. Plus your husband or SO if you have one deserves his own time with you in your own intimate place (like the bed). Some individuals have stated that once starting the habit their kids will want to sleep in the same bed with them for years and it can end up having an impact on your marriage etc.  you can always put a small mirror under the baby's nose while sleeping also and can see breath that way. But my professional opinion as a pediatric specialist and personal opinion is that. :) im sure you'll do fine!! 


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Marina • Jan 1, 2016
American pediatrics doesn't recommend that until they're around two because it's one of the risks of SIDS. but sharing a room or having a secure co-sleeper near the bed (or if you do have a larger bed) having one of these baskets isn't too bad since there's less of a risk of you/SO rolling onto baby


Marina • Jan 1, 2016
I was going to say be careful of the language in the article cuz it sounded like it advocated baby sleeping in your actual adult bed. Th


Brittney • Jan 1, 2016


Posted at
It's definitely a fear of mine as well. The one thing I already know we are getting is a Secure Beginnings breathable mattress. I had to look up what the owlet was when I read this post but I'm glad I did because this is something I want too so thank you! It's incredibly frightening that someone can do everything right and a tragedy can still occur.


Posted at
Thank you so much. I'm totally worried and wish I wasn't because I'm a funeral director and it does bother me to be out of control. I just looked up and I feel it's very reasonably priced but for peace of mind it's priceless. I thought of the angel monitor pad thing??? But this sounds better and I my husband & I also both have iPhones. Congrats to all of us May baby parents. 


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I got one of those snoza things from a talk show but sold it on e bay .... I dunno ... I'm not going to stress over it. The baby will be in my room next to my bed and sleep on back and no pillows and all that stuff in the bed 


Posted at
I was the same way. So scared that my daughter didn't sleep in her crib at all. She slept in the bassinet that came with her playpen and I kept it next to my bed. When she got bigger I just got her a sleep and kept it next to my bed also. They also have co sleepers now that are made to be put on the bed.


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Get thisOwlletcare.comI'm getting it


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If you do have a blanket, tuck it under the mattress and have baby's feet closer to the bottom (jic your baby doesn't like being swaddled or sleep sacks, my first was weird like that, guess she figured 9+months of being restrained was enough) but only those thinner ones not a comforter. Also dress them at night one more later than you to be comfy (so if you sleep naked in the room w/o being cold, put a onesie, can always feel baby to see if they're too hot).


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Just get a rock and play so baby won't be totally laying down