Don't have anyone else to talk to

Megan • Trying to conceive first baby. But very ill with various things don`t think it`ll happen for a while :(
So just found out a close friend is pregnant and she didn't even tell me and she now 6 weeks I feel angry, that she didn't tell me. I would of told her as soon as I found out. And she didn't try at all, happened once and me and my husband have sex 20 days out the month for the last 5 months and nothing. I'm getting severely depressed that I don't even want to be here anymore, and it not about being pregnant, I am constantly ill and doctors don't know what's wrong with me. I'm 99% sure it's endometriosis. I'm just sick of life of feeing ill all the time, it's ruining my life and the doctors don't seem to care. I don't have any friends to talk to , only my husband but you know what there like, saying it'll be okay etc. But it doesn't help. I don't know what to do, just needed a rant :(