
My So and I are living in different places and we have been since maybe about 7weeks into my pregnancy. I really don't like how cold he can be toward me. It's like one minute he's so caring and the next he's so cold. I'm pissed at the fact that we are not living together during this time and planning our future together which at this point doesn't seems to be in existence. I just feel so alone throughout this entire pregnancy. I can't express myself to him without crying my eyes out and shutting down completely. I really wished that he understood how I'm feeling and try to improve things or just show a little effort. I would love for us to just sit down and talk to one another, but that doesn't seem like it is going to happen. I understand that he has a lot going on right now and the stress of his job , but what about how I'm feeling. I would like for him just to hug me. I can't remember the last time he has hugged me let's not even mention any time of affection , but I guess that is what is expected when you're on a "break" from on another. (Which I clearly didn't have a say-so in) I don't like him right now. I feel like he doesn't even notice. He's so focused on his freaking job! I know that I have to be there for him because he really does see and deal with a lot in his career , but why does everything has to be about work work work work work 😣