Looking like a teen mom...

So here is my issue. I look a lot younger than I am (100% love that about me).  But I have been glared at and nasty comments made about how "A baby should not be having babies" or " she is too yough to be a mom" 😡.   When I confront these people that I am intact 28 they get embarrassed and walk away... With out apologizing. 
And so what? What if I was a teen mom? Aren't all children and babies gift from God?  Why treat anyone like that? 
 I'm just Little disappointed.  Friends tell me all about how people are so kind and helpful towards them during their pregnancy...And I have yet to experience that (when it comes to strangers).   
I just feel really bad for any teen moms that deal with that kind of behavior.  Makes me want to find a way to help them out. 
Has anyone else felt with something similar? Or is this just my town issue?