Cramps 38+4


I know its been asked alot but I tried searching for it and haven't found anything most similar to mine.

So I had my apt today they did an exam I am 80% effaced and 1 cm dilated with babys head beyond low dr said shes not surprised if i feel like shes going to fall out at 38+4. I felt fine no cramping afterwards, got home after shopping and took a 4 hr nap woke up and was ok. Later in the night I started feeling mild constant cramps. Noticeable but not painful THEY ARENT timeable. hubby and I decided to have sex and they got a tad bit more noticeable but once again nothing I could time just constant. Went to bed felt them while I was sleeping, woke up this morning and can still feel this mild constant cramp.

What could this be? Anyone else experience this?

I will be waiting this out to see if they go away or become something I can time or I have signs of labor.