Killer Sore breasts ,could I be pregnant?

I'm sorry if this sounds dumb or naïve in advance 
So I started my period last month Dec 12 was very weird super heavy and lasted 3 days (which I usually last 5) I had sex on and off the following week for sure 24th and 25th which are considered my fertile days (sorry this last time I got my period , I feel like I threw in the towel and simply stopped charting stuff) so anyways now for the past 3 days I've been getting acne (something I don't get) , I'm super gassy (sorry TMI), felt a ripping almost air trapped in my R side of my ovaries , and been super hungry lately , today I'm having some heart burn and for literally 3 days straight my breasts have been killing me I mean soooo sore even to the slightest touch , which usually do hurt right before my period but this is nuts..... I took a test yesterday and it was negative , (did I do too soon) I thank for all the help I hope I explained myself right please help me