Feeling fat as hell

Ugh I've always been one of those girls that's conscious about my weight and some may say I even have an obsession! I'll be 6 mos Monday and I feel like a cow. It's affecting my life. My other half works out of state and is gone on storm . I'm here with a toddler overwhelmed and stressed out . I miss him and I hate my body. I have all these insecurities and I'm just disgusted with myself pregnant or not! I was constantly trying to work out but that's getting harder I have no energy and I'm drained and I just want to cry. I don't know how I'm going to do this til the end of April. No one understands and I'm putting weight on every time I breathe it seems . I've been eating family healthy but I'm fucking hungry . I'm always worried he's not attracted to me and I'm not even comfortable in my own skin. Anyone else feel this way. I can't stop crying I don't mean to be selfish just needed to vent