
My vagina kinda smells. Is it normal.?
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Eat lots of pineapples for a week and wash with only water. See what happens. Dont douche or use soap or any cleansers. Also do u smell it more in the evening or when you wake up? If you smell in the evening you may need to change your underwear to 100% cotton. If in the morning try sleeping without panties. Ultimately you should see your gyno and state your concerns. Could just be a PH imbalance


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The smelling can just be reactions to foods u ate and if your healthy and all, cause I have my good and bad days no matter how much I clean down there it could just be your body not ur hygiene :)


Posted at
Same with me and I was wondering the same thing. Some days it's kind of fishy, and others (this is kinda weird) it kind of smells like asparagus! 


Joy • Jan 2, 2016
Fun fact babies, if you're using any kind of body wash on your lower lady parts then that could play a huge part in it. The vagina is a self-cleanser, literally all you need is a clean soft cloth and warm water.


Emma • Jan 2, 2016
Same! I tried using the body washes designed especially for your V, but it hasn't helped. I read somewhere that spray deodorant helps, but I haven't tried that yet.


Mel • Jan 2, 2016
Right.? I have googled things to keep it from smelling but nothing works. No matter how much I clean it.


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I suggest using summers eve every time you go to the bathroom and pee


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Your vagina is supposed to smell a bit acidy because your pH level is higher down there. But if the smell is fishy or an other odd smell, especially if it's accompanied by itchiness or burning, you should see your Gyno because it could be an infection or pH imbalance. 


Posted at
Totally normal unless the smell has changed or gotten worse. If its accompanied by itching, irregular discharge or anything else id see your doctor