Dropping friends...

I have an amazing group of friends however they say there is always one in the bunch, well our group definitely has that one person who is just a mess. We have all seen how she drinks WAY too much! On a regular at home and even more when we get together in our group. She has even talked $#!t about me while I was ttc even though I never shared with her that we were trying. But I think last night was the final straw for me we had a SMALL get together at my in laws house since they are out of town and an awesome house (they knew and it was fine). However she invited a date last minute and even offered to let him stay, all without asking and we had never met him before. Then she quickly became overly intoxicated, passed out by 9:30 and when she did wake up a few hours later kept telling everyone that I had a bad attitude and it's all because I'm preggers. And she kept calling me preggers as if it were an insult. She was literally falling down drunk (as per usual). I think I have decided I am just done. I don't need this kind of energy around me and I absolutely do not need this around my daughter. Am I wrong? Should I do something else or am I justified? By the way most of the group feels the same and I left A LOT of the bad stuff out!