Please help!!!Yeast infection? Or something else??

Ok so I posted a like a week ago about how Id taken a bath scrubbed my feet with something and ever since my ladybits were not please...I've never had a yeast infection before...but could this be that?? 
No discharge at all in fact I'm oddly dry completely...
No smell of any kind..
To itch myself burns, but it doesn't burn to pee, but it does hurt to have sex.
And hydrocortison has helped to take away the itch...also, I haven't had sex until yesterday in like 2 months and I've not changed partners in over 3 years, so I'm confident it's not an std...
But whatever is goin on down's like not going away!!! And idk if it's like just a yeast infection, or if  the ph levels are off...idk!!!! But I'm dying here ladies please help!!!