Baby today maybe?

EDD: January 6 -First Time Mom :)
Had odd contractions the last week and last doctor appointment (Wednesday) I was 50% effaced and less than a 1 dilated But her head was even lower than last week-which I didn't think possible from the pain.
So I've been frustrated with things-trying to move this forward since despite that pain I was still working 7-10 hour shifts mostly on my feet all day. So after leaving work early-could not take it anymore walking hurt so band I was on the verge of crying-i sat and listened to music and sang to baby. Trying to embrace the "a relaxed mom is a ready mom" ideal hoping my body would start things. I had dinner with my mom and sister- something I haven't done in a while and was soothing. Went home still frustrated so squats and looking up other ways to start it (only the "safe" ones- not caster oil or anything crazy). But decided to forget it- with a 10hr shift the next day I decided to crash out.
Bed at 8:30pm mild back pain nothing else
Woke up twice to pee-more back pain but nothing else
Third time my husband gets home from his friends birthday and is crawling into bed with me and "what was that"- rush to the bathroom my pantyliner is soaked and I have liquid running down my leg.
Off to hospital!
Hook me up to monitors
Check me
Well it's not conclusive I'll check u in an hour
Check me
Not sure if it is ur waters still but you are having contractions 1-3 minutes apart a and you went from less than 1 to a 2 in about two hours so you are progressing.
Calls the doctor- sent home with pill to relax me and ordered to rest- come back if the pain gets to where you can not talk. Doctor told nurse I'm sure she will be back today.
Home slept for 3 hours-I'm still loopy gonna try to sleep more.
So everyone send me labor dust! Still contracting (and slightly loopy from the pill but back pain is intensifying ). Would be just amazing if we met our little girl today!! Well keep posting updates.