Post HSG test hopeful!!

So we've been ttc for baby #2 for a year and a half now. Its been so frustrating! Took me 4 years to get pregnant with my first. I'm thankful though because I conceived him with the love of my life! My dr is now on the path to helping figure out what's going on. I just had an HSG test and they found I may have some blockage on the right side, probably due to scar tissue from surgeries after my first child. Not sure yet what will be the next step, but there's one thing out of the way... On the plus side, I've read that after the test it can help increase fertility so my fingers are crossed and prayers are being said!!! I want nothing more than for my son to have a sibling! Hoping 2016 is my second miracle year! Blessings to all you ladies who are trying also. Try to stay positive even when month after month dreaded aunt flow arrives. I know it's hard, I'm right there with you!