Relentless headaches

Jo • First time mom to baby boy
17.1 here- I have been struggling with significant headaches for over a month. I've been to both the ob and my general practioner more than once- I was very sick in the beginning with a terrible cold  (i work with kids in a school ) it got so bad the midwife actually put me on antibiotics (zpac) a little over a week ago because it wouldn't go away. It did help with my chest cough, congestion , and overal sickness, but I can't get rid of the pressure headaches . It feels like someone is taking both sides of my head in the back and squeezing as hard as they can, all the time . 
Im still stuffy congested but really can't pin point of its due to stillllll being sick or just being pregnant. I have tried everything natural up to the point of the antibiotics. Compresses , fluids, humidifier , neti pot, you name it . 
They say 2nd trimester is supposed to be the best but I have been feeling miserable. Any other pregnant ladies in the same position or have tried things that have actually worked ? I appreciate any feedback or advice !