TTC #1! ☺

My partner & I DTD on all of my fertile days and a few days before as well. Since ovulating, I felt o pains on my left side on O day.. I've been cramping having back pain and my nipples are redish kind of darker and they are sensitive. I've been getting pain through my breasts as well. I've been very bloated hungry thirsty having to urinate more often and I've had a few headaches too. Now I've been breaking out all over and usually this doesn't happen until right before AF shows up. But the problem is I'm 10 days from my next period. I never get symptoms this early before my period. And I've been experiencing them since ovulation. And I've had a lot of creamy cm and my cervix was soft and open now its soft high and closed off. I'm 6DPO. Anyone else experienced symptoms like mine and got a BFP? And if so what DPO?