My first born

My first born.. Jackson Paul Kirsch.. Was born Dec. 15th 2015.. Almost 2 wks early.. Via emergency c-section.. My water broke in the early afternoon on the 14th and my husband and I went to the hospital.. Almost 18 hours later I still had only dialated about a finger tip width and I was not feeling my contractions.. So they put me on pictocin to get my labor going.. After a couple hours of intense contractions brought on by the pictocin I was still only dialated to about a 4.. Against my birth plan I caved and begged for an epidural out of sheer exhaustion and pain.. The nurse gave it to me wrong twice and they had to call the anaesthesiologist to administer it.. After the third epidural I fell asleep.. At around 25 hours into my labor I woke up freezing and throwing up.. I had a fever of 107.. The baby's heart rate went to over 200 from my fever.. They rushed me in for an emergency c-section.. Jackson was born at 2:55 on the 15th weighing 7lbs 8oz.. He was 20 in long.. And he's the love of my life.... We could have both died the day he was born.. There will never be a day I don't thank God we are happy healthy and alive. My whole heart will always belong to this tiny little miracle : )