Forgiving a cheater? Please take the time to read.

He cheated with his baby momma, then immediately made her leave crying by telling her it was a mistake and he needed to talk to me, drove to my house in the snow, picked me up, took me to his place, then told me what happened. Nobody else told me, it wasn't months or weeks or years later. It was the same day. He said she came onto him but he pushed her off and told her to leave, but she grabbed his junk and he just gave in but immediately regretted it and wanted to tell me and knew he didn't want her and wanted me. She's always harassing and stalking us so he said he's going to get an EPO on her and it'll never happen again. Opinions? 
Edit - She was manipulating him by not letting him see their baby for about a month and she finally called and said he could, then came onto him to try to get him back.