I'm hurt..This is my journal..I could use advice.

I post here all the time with my drama between my baby daddy and I. And I always turn to you ladies. I have never been through this, I'm hurt, o feel betrayed, I'm mad, I'm sad, and I'm due in 3 days!!!!! 
My baby daddy and I broke up about 8 weeks ago, he hasn't done anything for me while pregnant, hasn't bought one thing, that doesn't matter but most importantly he has not been there. For support, for a helping hand, for nothing. we work together so we saw each other a good bit but we broke up bc he pushed me to that point. I wanted him to step up, he wouldn't, I felt that if we went our separate ways, maybe he would miss me. And plus I felt that if he wasn't going to step up, why be together. Well we didn't speak for about 4 weeks and then we got back on good terms. In good terms I mean we spoke, over text, he came over 2 times, we kissed, we were back friends, but i wanted more. He is the love of my life, I told him that, I said this was our time to start fresh, to do it right, just give me another chance..That's when he said we were better as friends. Well he still text me and as much as I hated it, I knew i had to accept that there was "possibly" someone else. Well tonight that was confirmed. Here I am, 39 weeks, 4 days pregnant and the ex gf is at his house tonight. Why am I so hurt? Why does this hurt so bad? Why am I crying? Why could be not have waited till after the birth. I called him 3 times tonight, he didn't pick up..all I keep asking is why could he not have waited until after the birth, why could I not have that respect.