Feeling a little down (long)

I had my son on Saturday. We immediately did skin to skin and I was producing crazy amounts of colostrum. We tried putting him to the breast and it was excrutiating. I've worked with 2 nurses and a lactation specialist. The same thing happened with my first, only the pain didn't set in until day 3. This pain was immediate. It's been determined that it's not him but me. The lactation specialist said some women have an over production of hormones following birth and it can cause extreme sensitivity and painful nursing. I pumped for 6 months with my first but I can't do that again. He's special needs and 3. I can't do it for this kiddo and be able to function. We have been using donor milk at feedings and she advised me to pump for the first 2 weeks to give him the good stuff before switching to formula. She assured me that this happens and it's not my fault but I still feel bad. I'm a huge advocate for breast feeding and it's been a huge goal for both my children and it looks like it's not going to happen for us. Before anyone asks, yes we have used shields, creams, soothies, and other things to help. I have no issues wth formula. As long as baby is fed, that's what's imortant. I'm just bummed that breast feeding isn't doable, and I can't afford $5 an oz for breast milk.