39wks 6days any tell signs I can look for?

Welcoming my first baby. So ready to get this show on the road. Any signs I can look for to let me know labor is close? Will the baby move more or less the closer it gets? She seems to be moving around a lot more the past couple days. However I haven't noticed my mucus plug, no contractions, pelvic area doesn't seem sore. No signs of labor as far as I can tell. I can tell she has dropped though ok not sure how low she needs to be and as of 5 days ago I was only 1 cm dilated. Induction date isn't for another 11 days. Not looking forward to waiting that long. So I'm wondering if anyone noticed any changes with their babies movements or anything that told them labor was coming? Or does labor just start out of nowhere with no warning signs? Please help me out if you can ladies.