He's almost here! Pre labor story

Michele • Art teacher, artist and soon be be mom!
Went to bed last night with contractions 5 minutes apart. Slept ok being woke up by them every so often. Dr said to go when pain made you stop talking. This morning they are still coming so we head to the hospital. Get checked 50% effaced and 1 cm. 😩 not the numbers I wanted.  Get hooked up and my contractions are 3.5 minutes apart!!! Dr said the contractions look great and checked again. Still 1cm. 😩😩 we decided to come home to eat and nap and wait for them to get stronger.  I would currently put them at a two outta ten on the pain scale, more discomfort than pain but the timing had me worried!! Feeling better knowing that I'm in actual labor and that he will be here soon just need to wait it out. 
Also contractions started at three an hour Friday 
Moved to 10-15 minute intervals on Saturday 
Contractions stopped/eased up onSunday  (my birthday) until 8 pm when they randomly started again. An 
hour after starting we were at 5 minutes apart 
Today Monday- 3-4 minutes apart 
I've been bouncing and rocking on a ball, walking very slow on a treadmill, had pineapple Thursday, sex Friday morning, ate chicken wings Friday and Saturday 😄 rocking in a rocking chair, and standing and swaying.