
So I'm 37 weeks and 2 days and I'm terrified. I'm scared to be a mom. I'm not scared of labor or the pain that comes with it because I know its over within hours. I never thought I'd be scared to be a mom but I'm more than scared I'm terrified. .. I feel I'm going to screw up, drop my precious boy, let him get sick, no know what to do when he's crying, or just fail completely. .. I just started feeling like this within the last week before that I felt like I was going to be the best and I could handle anything that comes at me after he's born but all of a sudden I'm seriously terrified and I don't know why.. I have the most amazing boyfriend and I know he's going to be a good daddy to our boy but I don't think I'm going to be a good mom... I need some advice or encouraging words or something. I'm sorry its so long I just needed to let it all out!