Clomid next cycle!

MicMiller33 • Mom to 2 beautiful girls, Kirsten- 3 👧🏼 & Lena- 18 months 👶🏼, baby #3 due September, 2020 💜💜
Saw my dr today and I'll be starting 50mg of clomid next cycle. Been TTC for 5 months. LADIES... I can't stress enough the importance of temping and tracking your bbt!! My dr was originally going to wait 3 more months but when she found out that I'd been temping and using opk's she said "you're a dr's dream! Now you don't have to wait another 3 months!" If you aren't sure that you're ovulating or don't know when, I strongly suggest charting your bbt!! Praying this gives us our BFP! Anyone have their BFP after a few rounds of clomid? I'm taking cd 3-7. 
Update: I had three months in a row where my bbt never spiked and I did not get a + opk. I should have included that in my original post. That's why my dr gave the go ahead for clomid.