INDUCTION Process Question

So my baby is weighting in 10% of growth devolvement so they said they wanna induce me she told me to go my docs appointment Tuesday and to come early so they can monitor her now my question is how long do you think i will have to wait to be induced? Should i bring our bags to my docs appointment i don't live near and not gonna able to go back home and get anything? Should i demand answers this week ?HELP THIS IS MY 1ST BABY WAS WANNA MAKE SURE SHE'S GOOD BTW ILL BE 37 WEEKS SATURDAY SO SHE WILL BE CONSIDERED FULL TERM
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It most likely depends on when the hospital will have a room available. I was induced with my first for small growth as well. I went to my 39 week doctor appt around 12 in the afternoon and was told they'd like to induce later that evening. I had to call L&D at 10pm to see if the had a room available, if they didn't I'd have to call again the next day. Luckily they had a room but was told to come in at midnight. By the time I got to the hospital, got into a room and the induction started... It was 2am. So I guess it can vary. Good luck to you!


Titiana • Jan 6, 2016
thanks i hope mind ghosts


Posted at
I had to be induced for the same reason with my first. She was 9%. I was induced 39 weeks exact. Went in the morning & had her just past midnight. Yes bring your bags to the hospital.


MA • Jan 5, 2016
Started on pitocin around 11am, he broke my water around 6pm, epidural at 7pm then pushed few times just before midnight then had her at 12:22am.


Justine • Jan 5, 2016
How long were you in labor with the induction? I'm scared I'll be in labor for days


Titiana • Jan 5, 2016
omg atleast i have time they making me until next week Tuesday because I'll hit the 37 week mark thanks


Posted at
We're at 7% and I'm being induced. They waited until 39 weeks which is Friday. When we were iugr at 5% he was going to be induced at 37.


Chelsea🎀 • Jan 5, 2016
the doctor checked my cervix at my appointment today and its favorable for induction, it took like 5 mins.


Titiana • Jan 5, 2016
so how long did it take to schedule that for you


Posted at
Just ask them when they are scheduling your induction if they are starting it the same day as your appointment just bring your bags. They scheduled mine today but it's for when I hit 39 weeks and it only took them a couple minutes


Andie • Jan 5, 2016
I would or at least more info from the staff on what the heck is going on but hopefully after monitoring they'll be able to give you a straight answer


Titiana • Jan 5, 2016
so when i go this thursday so they can monitor her movement should i demand to talk to my doctor


Andie • Jan 5, 2016
Ugh that's the worst not knowing take your bags just incase they send you to get checked in the same day