Feeling very discourage


My SO n I have been trying for 8 months. I don't have any medical insurance so I cant really go to the doctor to see if something is wrong. Which part of me thinks there is. Because of my blood type I'm one of those who have to get a shot once while pregnant then after I have the baby. With my son who is 9 I got them. Then about two years ago before I was with my SO I had been pregnant but didnt know till I miscarriage. The guy I was with was very abusive and controled everything. Wouldnt let me go to doctor said it was too earlier for a doctor to be needed. Well I got out of that relationship very next one I got pregnant again, I knew this. But at about 8 weeks I miscarriage again went to er got my shot. But I cant help thinking that since I didnt get the shot two years ago that my body developed antibodies to attack the embryo. Which is what the doctor told me is the reason I needed the shots was to stop by body from doing that because IF it did it would be very hard to stay pregnant.

Well in these 8 months there were two times that AF showed up very late n very light only lasting maybe a day or two. Which I think were me being pregnant but then by the next month my body rejects it n I get a VERY heavy, very painful AF.

I'm thinking I should just give up. I don't think my heart can keep handling this.