My little lady 12/29 😍

Went in for a scheduled induction 12/28 started the cervedil around 9 pm was dilated to only a 1 at that time contractions weren't too bad just coming every 5-10 mins lasting about a minute each I had got som pretty good sleep that night just woke up to minor contractions. The next morning I was started in the poticin around 10 am still dilated at only 2 now contractions started getting about  3 mins apart around 2pm still laying about a min decided to get pain medicine not sure what it was called but it worked wonders ended up going to sleep for a couple hours and was woken up again with bad contractions decided for another dose that one only worked for about 30 minutes at about  630 I had asked for the epidural the contractions were horrible only had a minute between each of them the epidural was done at 730 water ended up breaking right before the catheter was going in baby girl had already pooped but was still doing good so they didn't feel the need to rush started pushing at  845 was determined to get her out surprisingly was extremely calm just focused on pushing at 9:07 sanaya Rayne was welcomed into the world she had a Kirilenko but of trouble the first few minutes but is a fighter like mommy she was 8.11 at 21 inches