Just a rant.

First off, if any of you pray or whatever it is that you do... If you could send some my way that would be greatly appreciated. 
I got into a fight with my father today. My mom WAS on meth for a while and she's been trying to be clean. She's been sober for a few months and she's trying. He came in drunk and started accusing her of things. I kept telling him to stop and he kept on. He told me to leave and we weren't even in his house. He kept yelling at me like I was a dog. I told him he was a hypocrite for saying you never turn your back on family and then doing this to her. He said she wasn't family and I said then he wasn't my family and left. I'm so pissed off because he did this in front of my baby and he didn't even try to stop me from leaving, but I'm so scared he's going to do something so stupid. 
And I'm so sorry if this doesn't make any sense but my blood pressure is so high and I just can't even deal with all of this right now.