Pregnancy Test Results

So I have had my IUD out since mid October and have only had two periods. First one came fast and was short and light. Second one came after 54 days, lasted 8 days and was super super light (like not even enough for a pantyliner, just saw blood everytime I wiped)

Im cycle day 31 and decided to test.

When it went across the window it was negative, I waited maybe 1 minute and gave up, have had enough negatives, threw it in the trash.

30 minutes later my husband asked if I had tested, told him yes and he asked why i didnt show him, so i grabbed it to show him and it appeared positive. I know you arent supposed to view it after 10 minutes but appeared darker than any evap line I have had. I will test again in the am but just curious if any of you have had something similar this happen and been pregnant. I need to wait the full time before reading results and not be so impatient because then things like this happen. Here is the test.