Peeing On A Stick ADDICT!!!

Sorry if this is a little long winded, but here goes!

Me & my hubby have been ttc for 2 years now. It's only since sept 2015 we started using opk to discover I ovulate at cd 10 not 14 like I just assumed. Since sept we've carried on using opk.

In Dec my ovulation day was 25th Dec I know this from testing all that week up until getting a very positive test on Christmas <a href="">eve</a>. Making sure we DTD alot that week. Now here are my symptoms, I am due af on sat 9th jan.

Heartburn like crazy.

Extreem fatigue only past few days

Cramps, twinges & pulling.

Over emotinal.

Hungrier than normal.

Bleeding gums.

Allergies at an all time high.

Insomnia at night.

Just got that "feeling"

I know are bodies can play tricks on us from Time to time. But here's what really threw me of, this morning 12 dpo I decided to use a opk I Don't know why. Normally there stark white until maybe 1-2 days before ovulation. And although the control line is not darker than the test line you can definitely see the line. Iv read woman that use opk as a hpt. I am prepared to do a hpt but want to wait till tmora so I can use my fmu. Anyone else had anything like this just days before af is due to arrive?