Frustration with SO while TTC

Holly • Cat enthusiast and attorney who specializes in criminal defense, family law, and general civil litigation.
My SO is hardly ever in the mood since we started TTC. He says since we have started TTC, sex seems more like a chore than fun. 
I bought some lube in hopes of trying to spice things up last night, and he accused me of only wanting to have sex because it's a "fertile day." 
Even if that were the reason, who cares because we are TTC! Good grief this is frustrating. 
I feel like men just don't understand the frustration that women experience while TTC and getting the constant negative test results every month. It's so disheartening. The least he could do is cooperate sexually. I mean, it's like pulling teeth lately. I don't get it. 
His compromise is that he wants me to delete this app because he thinks I'm obsessed with logging and tracking everything.