Moving too fast

Harley 🌛🌕🌜 • Wife 🖤💜Professional Makeup artist 💄Wiccan🌙🇨🇦 Do no harm but take no shit 🖕🏻
Today my boyfriend told me that we are moving too fast and it scares him. when he said that it scared the shit out of me cause I thought he was going to mention the "B" word. I thought we were good and going the normal speed. We have been dating for 8 months but it feels like years cause we are so much alike and comfortable with eachother. And we are always there for eachother through good times and bad. So when he said that it made me pretty upset. We talked it out so it seems fine now but I still know how he feels which bothers me. He has a lot on his shoulders at the moment and so do I. 
I've had a really shitty life and he brings out the best in me and I do the same for him so I would really be lost without him. I also lost my virginity to him which was a big deal for me so I feel I'm just emotionally attached to him.  Has your boyfriend said this to you ladies before or how would you feel in this situation?