Torn between midwife or doctor next time

So I ended up having a manual vacuum aspiration for a missed miscarriage. My baby was measuring 7w2d and I was supposed to be 11w2d. I had chosen a midwife originally but had yet to meet her because I hadn't had my first appointment yet. I liked the idea of a midwife because I have been told chances of a c-section are lower and they also take more time with you. However, the day I had my procedure I had a different provider who I actually really liked. Initially that day I just went in to discuss my options and when he entered the room I just broke down and he literally just sat and hugged me for a solid 2-5 minutes which to me was very therapeutic and showed me he cared. He also said I was going to make him cry. Then I came back later in the afternoon for the procedure and was extremely gentle and explained everything he was doing. I felt like he took the time with me. Thinking in to the future because I want to try again once my husband returns from trading (he's in the army) and once I have one cycle I don't know if I should stick with the midwife I chose or the doctor who I met and liked. Has anyone had experience with both and have any insight on which they think is the better option for next time?