Ugh feeling frustrated

My husband goes to the gym everyday after work from3:30-6pm every day . And the one day I asked if he had to go so I can get my nails done and eye brows waxed with out taking the kids . Me time . It's like a burden . I don't ask to do stuff alone or get free time away from the kids . But I really want to go to the nail place for one hour by myself . To get pampered since I been so sick and really haven't done anything with myself in a while . I feel so blah. It's always a fight when I tell him to skip gym day . Like reallyu don't even watch the kids on a daily bases . I'm the one the cleans cook take care of the dogs do do everything inside the house . Yea he works but when I was communities and working I still did all the shit I do now plus more . Feeling pissed off