Too Early for Symptoms, right? Am I just crazy?

Deanna • Momma of one handsome boy ❤️
Hi! It's been REALLY weird for me the last few days and I'm trying to make sense of it. Any thoughts are welcome! 
According to glow, I'm 5DPO; Ovia says I'm 7DPO. Tuesday & Wednesday I had cramping & lower back pain. This is not something I normally have any other time than on my period (which isn't due until the 15/16th). I've felt a few more today but not really worth noting. When I checked my cm yesterday morning, there was very little, but it was brownish. I checked later that day and the brown was gone. When I checked my cm this morning, it was fairly dry and no noticeable color. However, when I wiped after using the bathroom, there was brownish mucus, but very little. Also, Tuesday and today I had a spoonful of Peanut Butter and I almost instantly felt nauseous and it lasted for about 10 minutes. I eat it by the spoonfuls a couple times a week so I don't know why that occurred. (No, it's not old). 
Any thoughts? I feel like it's WAY to early for any of these to be pregnancy symptoms, but I just haven't ever had any of this happen before. The other thing I thought was that maybe I ovulated later than expected (although I've been like clockwork the last 6 months) but I've been fairly dry the last 5 or so days which doesn't add up with ovulating mucus. So confused! Thoughts? Am I just crazy? Probably!