Don't trust boys

He confessed after 2 weeks of hanging out with him that he's falling in love with me, I believed him. He convinced me that I can trust him, I did. My first time was with him and he made me feel like I was the only one he wanted. dispite everything working against us, I thought we could work things out. But all this while I had a feeling that somethings not right. I broke up with him before Christmas because I didn't feel like he had time for me. The last time I talked to him was two days ago. He called me just to tell me he misses and loves me. I thought we were going to get back together. Just last night I found out from a friend that he has a girlfriend, and it wasn't me. Of course I was crushed. I could literally feel my heart breaking and I started to feel my body heating up. My friend sent me screenshots from a couple weeks ago of them kissing on Instagram. Funny, he told me he never uses Instagram. Not that it's a big deal, but he never added me as a friend on Facebook or followed me on any social media. Now that it all makes sense, he just didn't want me to find out. I couldn't help but feel so stupid, after waiting for him for literally hours to show up when we had a whole day planned to spend time with eachother and his excuse was that his mother was holding him up, making him hang up Christmas lights. And that one time he called me last minute that he couldn't go to this music festival with me that I helped paid because his aunt died. Now I'm just questioning all of that. He could've just been with his other girlfriend all along and I'm here just trying to be understanding of him and cut him some slack because his "aunt died" i didn't like the way he treated me but I never argued with him about that. It's nice to hear him tell me that he sees a future with me and talk about how cute our kids will be. All that talk convincing me that he might just be the one for me. Well now I know. A guy would do whatever it takes just to sleep with you. I don't know what to do. He doesn't know that I know. On the outside I seem calm but really all I want to do is cry. And fucking punch that motherfucker in the face. But I'm a lady, I don't do that. All of this is still kindve new to me and I'm still in shock. I feel like I should confront him and put him on blast but on the other hand I feel like I shouldn't waste anymore of my time even thinking about him and just move on.