Vagina Probs

megan • girl power
Soo my vagina smells, looks, feels totally normal except for one thing. Sometimes when I finger myself these offwhite clumpy/flakes of (something similar to) discharge comes off on my fingers? Like I said, everything seems to be normal except I dont know if thats suppose to happen....
The clumps dont exactly look like "cottage cheese" as some people describe discharge-- its more flat and small idk. 
Is this normal? Is it like cum or something since i notice it when i finger myself? I feel like its always building up...not just a result of masterbation.
I feel like Ive been discharging less if that helps. Other than that- no irregular symptoms. Sorry this was so long. Idk how to tell my mom/doc "hey when i was fingering myself & guess what i found.."