Advice please


Hi ladys.

I have a bit to tell. Ao please bare with me.

On november 10th i had light pinkish spotting lasted for 2 days.

Then had nothing in december. I went away over the christmas break and when i got home. I noticed that my boobs felt full and my nipples stuck out more.

I constantly have a head ache.

I am tired more.

Nausea, sometime when i eat i feel like im gonna puke. At night when i have dinner i seem to be more hungry.

Peeing heaps more, about every 30 min.

Emotional. Even when watching tv.


I have taken 2 test and they are both negative. Saw my doctor today and she sent me for a blood test.

So fx it comes back positive.

If anyone else has had the same i would like u to comment. Thank you.

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