Problem with Mirena removal

So I've had my Mirena for 1.5 years and had zero problems until I hit the year mark. Since then, late periods, pregnancy symptoms EVERY month with negative tests at home and in the clinic, terrible cramps, extreme bloating, weight gain, etc. after numerous doctors checking and telling me it was fine and that my body was finally trying to adjust to it after a year blah blah blah I go to get it removed and the doc can't get it out. Literally most eerie, terrible feeling of him tugging on something attached to my uterus. Now I have to get an ultrasound/ see ob and possibly have to have it surgically removed due to it embedding. Has anyone had this problem and didn't have to get the surgery? Or if you did, what was the recovery time? I'm worried they might mess something up during removal and put me at risk for not being able to conceive again. Any experiences that might ease my mind?