Loosing hope........ :(


Hi all I have been ttc for over a year now about 15 months to be precise. .... This month I was due af on 4th Jan but no show I was feeling hopeful hut then the dreaded happened ... my hopes go up so high as I went 4 days over expected af date all the way to last night when I had a brown spotting start very light but there..... I though ok well maybe still as that can happen but then I wake up this morning 8th Jan and boom well hello mother natural you have shown you ugly head again ... :( .... so today I have started af again after being 4 days late getting hopes up and also being so good trying to hold out to do a test till the weekend ..... I really am loosing hope now it just seems like it's not going to happen I feel like I'm letting my partner down not being able to give him a baby also I feel sad! Don't know what else to try either

Just needed to get that out so sorry but thank you if you read all of this rant lol and baby dust to all trying xxx