TTC with too much work travel

My husband and I are TTC and have been loosely (not real intensely) TTC for about 6 months. However, my work has been sending me for travel every 3 months or so, and I'm gone for 2-3 weeks at a time. This is further complicated by the fact that I travel to developing countries, so I have to get vaccines and take meds that are harmful to a fetus, and have to wait until the meds are done to start trying again. Every time we get the green light and get into the rhythm of trying again, I'm told I have to travel again. Since it could be one of several of my superiors/co-workers who could send me for work, there is no one person that I can talk to to ask them not to send me, and I don't want my personal business made public all over the office. How do I handle this?