Please help no hate

Right I've been dating my boyfriend for three years (on and off and had a year break.) okay so the problem is this;
When we broke up 2 times he told me his feelings changed and he didn't love me anymore. 
We recently got back together and it's been 2-3 weeks now. 
I'm worried because he isn't the same, he's changed so much, he says everything I do it pisses him off. 
He hates it when I ask him "is there going to be girls there?" *please take a note that everytime I ask him I reassure him and tell him everything I did and he still has "bad thoughts" about me going off with other lads* 
I don't like him calling other girls fit. 
I don't because I didn't think that is how a relationship should work once you're in love you should think that person is the most perfect girl/boy in your eyes. And I think you shouldn't go calling other people "fit" when you're in a relationship. 
I've never called anyone "fit" when dating ANYONE. 
He recently told me this. And he recently told me to face "every small thing you do pisses me off".
I keep asking him if he loves me he says he does and he won't end it but in my eyes that shouldn't be a relationship if he thinks them things he also said not to be clingy or attached but I'm the clingy attached jealous girl. I do everything he asks because I'm scared of him ending it. I'm scared of saying the wrong thing because I don't want to lose him.