I'm going to be a FTM

Vee • One little man, blessed with another on the way 💜🤰🏻
And I am excited. I am excited to have a family and a child of my own. I don't want to go into being a mother being naive and thinking I will feel okay but I've had bad stuff happen to me (someone tried to kill me with a knife and I fought them off). But I move on and look at the better things in life. That is who I am. Optimistic. Always have been. Now I read all this stuff on how everyone just struggles SO hard to be a mom. I know I will cry and be upset from not sleeping or my nipples are on fire. I know that. I'm not expecting that to be glamorous nor is this parenting thing going to be wonderful all the time. I deal with poop on a daily basis so I know my sons poop won't bother me. But what I'm really wondering is there anyone, ANYONE, who enjoys this fully? Even the pain? Emotionally and physically? My mom seems like she did but she is the strongest woman I know. But reading these stories on how some moms can't handle it or they fall into a depression it just makes me sad. I don't know if it's the pregnancy hormones or what. But I feel bad. These women are saying they regret being a mom. It's hard daily on them and scary every step of the way. Does anyone embrace it? Where are the good stories? Where is the mom encouraging other mothers saying it is all worth it? I feel like we need to help empower more. Explaining being a mom is hard is I'm assuming an understatement but why hate it?? I just needed to vent about this because I've seen some mothers not fully embrace their child until they're a year old or so. I find that sad. I know everyone is different but if there was more support, could it be different? If people didn't think this was no big deal and actually seeked help instead of thinking their pride was more important would that help? People need to be more open and accepting. Love needs to be shared and hope needs to be given.