How long does it take?

My SO and his ex filed for custody about 6 months ago. We have yet to recieve anything for mediation. My SO already knows it will go to court because his ex wont budge on what she wants(full custody) so nothing will be resolved in mediation but its required to do it first. Im kinda upset its taking so long because in the meantime we cant do anything about his ex not letting him have his time with his daughter. We do get every other weekend and 2 days for a few hours during the week. It used to be overnight for those 2 days during the week but she stopped that and we have hardly had any holidays with his daughter. She got to spend every holiday this past year with daughter and all we got was half of easter and christmas <a href="">eve</a>. Its all time lost that can never be made up. It makes me mad that he has to fight to have rights over his own kid while she is just given them automatically and can do as she pleases. When will this process start so we can get time with my SO's daughter without his ex being able to take it away.