Losing my virginity ;Caution Long Story!

Alexis • Walk by faith & Not by sight 💕 22 ; Pregnant with First Child 👶🏾
Ok when i was 16 years old and a freshman in high school i lost my virginity to a senior . ( i know right bad mistake!) I already knew him pretty well because he lived on the same steeet as i did (still does to this day.) But didnt think he was hot until i got to high school .Well afterwards i fell deep in love but he dumped me and only started calling when he wanted sex. So i stopped chasing after him and left him alone . Now 4 years later and 20 years old i date a wonderful man but the guy is one of his friends!!! And every time i see him when im alone he tries to flirt or he'll smile really hard at me. But when he's around his friends (including my boyfriend) he's mean to me and always tells my boyfriend that he hit it first ! Which is causing me and my man to argue . ive tried to get my boyfriend to stop talking to him but he says they've been boys their whole lives. Is he jealous? How can i make him stop?